“To me that’s the key to it, making that bond with the animal and telling that animal, ‘You know, it’s you and me, I’m committed to you, I want to know where you are, where you’re going, why you’re here.’
We’ve found that “walking with the animal” is a very personal experience and is best practiced, at least at first, by yourself or with one tracking colleague in a place where you each have your own space to learn and experiment. You will be learning how to engage your natural intuitive abilities, bringing in practical tracking skills as needed to verify and expand the experience. You will need two things:
i.e. a string of visible tracks long enough to get a rhythm of the animal’s movement
in which you will be recording your experiences
Read on for some basic Principles & Methods and visit the Beginning Trackers and Experienced Trackers pages for more tips on how best to start. Of course you are responsible for assessing the safety of following an animal trail; know its biology and the area you are tracking in!
Principles & Methods
“Determination! This has pulled me thru on several occasions.
“Trusting intuition takes practice, just as trusting a belay partner while climbing takes practice. But the trust will never develop if the practice doesn’t happen.
Besides continuing to improve your technical tracking, which helps considerably to “walk with the animal,” there are three essential components our students have worked to perfect, each with its techniques and requirements:
Making Contact with the Trail
Slow down, release distractions, be grateful and humble, solidify your intent, commit strongly to this animal, ask for permission. Get a rhythm and personality from the tracks.
Maintaining Contact with the Trail
Go back & forth between the practical and intuitive as you need; hold the relationship with the animal; continually be open; reset your intent frequently.
Learning to Read and Trust the Intuition
Practice your personal intuition by reading and verifying; journal your methods and successes; be passionate and open-minded.